What was your application process at Meyer & Meyer like when you applied for the job back then?
The application process for the professional training was very detailed. The process was tailored to the job, in this case my training job at the time.
Why did you decide to become a transport planner?
The profession is very versatile and varied. Communication is very important in this profession. In addition, I can often use my English skills here.
What does a typical day at work look like at your job?
Every day, I am in contact with various stakeholders. For example, with partners and customers of Meyer & Meyer. We use a variety of communication channels. A lot of it is planning, of course. But we also make sure that obstacles are removed so that shipments can be transported from A to B without major problems.
What fascinates you about your job as a transport planner?
What fascinates me most about my job is its versatility. But also the independence that comes with the job.
What challenges does your job bring?
Every day we face a new challenge and we solve it together as a team.
What defines your team?
We support and help each other a lot. The strengths of each other can be used very well. As a result, we also complement each other very well in the team. You are never left alone with a problem or a tricky situation..
Why does Meyer & Meyer suit you as an employer?
The whole package from Meyer & Meyer is great.