IHK awards quality seal for the 50th time
The fashion logistics company Meyer & Meyer at the Osnabrück location has been awarded the IHK quality seal "TOP AUSBILDUNG" for outstanding training quality. Chief Human Resources Officer Maren Fathmann and Eva Hummel-Schröer, who is responsible for training, received the certificate from Eckhard Lammers, Deputy General Manager of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Head of the Training and Continuing Training Division.
"Vocational training is an integral part of our strategic personnel development and has a very high priority for us. With the IHK seal of approval, our commitment is now being recognized in a publicly visible manner," said Fathmann happily. The company attaches great importance to the fact that its more than 30 trainees in nine training professions feel comfortable and supported in the company from the very beginning. That is why, in addition to welcome days and intensive support with regular feedback meetings, they are also offered in-house training, health promotion opportunities and the opportunity to complete part of their training at one of the company's foreign locations. "Our trainees should see their future with us and want to stay with us after their training," said Fathmann.
The Osnabrück-based family-owned company Meyer & Meyer is a specialist in fashion logistics and accompanies its customers along the entire supply chain: from raw materials and production logistics to warehousing, processing and quality assurance to the distribution of goods ready for sale to the retail trade or to the end customer. The company also offers logistics solutions for the automotive sector and particularly sensitive goods. From its headquarters and a network of branches and partner companies in Germany and abroad, Meyer & Meyer manages logistics activities in Europe, Asia and North Africa with 1,800 employees.
"We are pleased to now award the quality seal to the 50th company and thus to be able to clearly demonstrate the excellent training quality offered by companies in our region," explained Lammers. Since 2015, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim has been offering the complex certification procedure and thus supports companies in their training marketing. In the meantime, the quality seal is awarded by all Lower Saxony's chambers of industry and commerce according to uniform standards.
The multi-stage certification procedure includes an initial check, a questionnaire, an analysis by the IHK training consultants and an audit in the company with external HR experts. "In this way, we also support companies in the further development of their training quality," Lammers emphasised.
Interested companies can contact the IHK to obtain more detailed information on the IHK quality seal "TOP TRAINING".
Picture (from left to right): Eva Hummel-Schröer (Training Manager at Meyer & Meyer), Eckhard Lammers (Deputy IHK General Manager) and Maren Fathmann (Chief Human Resources Officer at Meyer & Meyer)
Source: Robert Schäfer / IHK Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim
Contact person: Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Silvia Masuch, phone: 0541 353-484, e-mail: masuch@osnabrueck.ihk.de or at www.osnabrueck.ihk24.de (No. 2778060)